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Press Release : Matrix and Coconut version X.0.0.7

October 2023
VB-Audio Matrix: Enjoy the Magic Trick!

New audio network and audio devices are now providing big amount of audio channels. Today, users can have connected several audio devices and would like to use them with different audio or music applications, DAW, game, communication apps, all together, with extended possibility to patch everything with anything, channel by channel.

That's why we made the Matrix: an audio framework to connect several audio devices and applications together channel by channel. 3x physical ASIO devices, Several Windows Applications, Several DAW and even Several Computers (thanks to VBAN streaming) can be connected together with a total control on audio routing.

In details, this first VB-Audio Matrix version allows managing up to 1360 I/O (680 input channels by 680 output channels) through the following possible different audio interfaces:
  • 3x ASIO Drivers (able to manage respectively 128, 64 and 64 channels max).
  • 4x Windows Audio Recording Devices (able to manage 8 channels max each).
  • 4x Windows Audio Playback Device (able to manage 8 channels max each).
  • 4x VAIOs (able to manage 8 channels max each).
  • 4x VBAN Bi-directional Stream with 8 channels and one VBAN stream with 64 channels.
  • 4x Virtual ASIO device (able to manage respectively 8, 64, 64 and 128 channels max).

    VBMatrix Matrix View and Preset Patches

    VB-Audio matrix introduces different new technologies. First a virtual DSP to mix and manage this big amount of channels from different stream clock with a minimal CPU load. Secondly the Matrix VAIOs (Virtual Audio I/O) now based on a new model of audio driver especially made for Windows 10 and Windows 11 x64. Finally VBAN protocol is now offering a 64 channels stream to transport multichannel audio from a computer to another through your usual local network.

    VBMatrix is also providing a powerful graphic user interface to let you manage this big number of I/O easily. While the Main view is showing everything for monitoring, the Matrix-View will let you manage your routing quickly with advanced functions (Line, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo) and PRESET PATCH to store multi zone routing, possibly connected to a MIDI controller to Apply, Unapply, Mute, Reverse Phase or change its Master gain.

    This Matrix Application is surely the beginning of a new adventure and you can be part of it! It is distributed as Donationware (5 to 50 USD / 20 USD recommended license price): you pay what you want when you want if you find it useful. Thanks for your participation!

    Download VB-Audio Matrix Now: www.vbaudiomatrix.com

    Thanks for spreading the news:
  • KvR: VB-Audio Releases Audio Matrix Application For Windows
  • ProSoundWeb: VB-Audio Releases Audio Matrix Application For Windows
  • Fast and Wide: VB-Audio Matrix software
  • Audiofanzine news: Voici Matrix, de VB-Audio Software
  • Audiofanzine TV show: news of the week: La Matinale
  • ProAudio.de The Audio Matrix
  • Recording.de VB-Audio Matrix
  • Audio Plugin Guy VB-Audio has released Matrix, an audio routing application for Windows
  • REKKERD.ORG VB-Audio Matrix universal real-time audio router for Windows
  • Fader.cz VB-Audio Matrix: poslete si koho chcete kam chcete.

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